The ORYA Hockey program seeks to provide an inclusive, fair, diverse, and developmentally appropriate hockey program.

As of March 2016, the ORYA Hockey registration policy has been updated. Due to the previous 2015-2016 season, with issues concerning player withdrawal and loss of program funds, ALL ORYA Hockey participants must now have their balance paid in FULL before the beginning of the upcoming season to participate on the ORYA hockey team. Below is the breakdown of registration process.

Registration/Participation of ORYA Hockey program

  • Tryouts = $50 non-refundable

    • All players are placed on a team except for ORYA having players in excess of an 8 team make up

  • Team placement emails will be sent after tryouts

    • You have 24-48 hours to confirm your spot on the team
    • IF you do not confirm your spot within the allotted time frame you are subject to having that spot taken

  • Confirmation of your team spot will automatically start your hockey program payment for the upcoming season

    • ONCE team placement is confirmed families are responsible for paying the FULL hockey tuition
      • Should your player withdraw from the ORYA Hockey program you are still obligated to PAY the FULL hockey tuition to release your player to another team
    • ALL payments for the ORYA Hockey program will be done through automated payment plans; there are a variety of payment plans to fit your needs.
    • Payment of ORYA Hockey program
      • $200 deposit will be withdrawn from your account after team confirmation
      • A variety of payment plans are available
        • NOTE- Since all payments must be done through automated payments plans please provide a credit or debit card that does NOT expire before the upcoming season start, in the month of October
      • ALL hockey program balances are to be paid BEFORE the end of October, prior to the upcoming season start


Hockey does not fall under the standard ORYA refund policy. No refunds are given unless approved by the ORYA Coordinator, Staff and the ORYA Board of Directors.

ORYA Hockey thanks you for your understanding and wishes your player and family a good hockey season.


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