1. Oyster River currently has 4 practice slots for 8 total teams (12-15 skaters per team). Typically there are two teams at each level but if practice slots allow it could be 3.  2015-16 (3 Bantams, 2 PWs & Squirts and 1 Girls team).
2. Estimated Roster size is 12-15 skaters, 2 goalies.


1. Oyster River season typically runs from the third week in October to Mid-March.
2. All teams play in the Granite State League and the Seacoast League. Travel is determined by which NH teams are on your tier.


All players will be evaluated from three different evaluations. Each evaluation is weighted based on overall importance.

1. Coach Evaluation (worth 60%):  The coaches that players are currently playing for are given a specific set of criteria to evaluate. These include areas such as, aggressiveness, attitude, skating ability, hockey awareness and knowledge, coach-ability and participation in practice. They will rate how well the player performs in games, how well the player fits in a team environment, and the player’s behavior in the locker room.
2. Skills Night at Tryouts (worth 20%): Players are expected to demonstrate specific skills in a practice type setting. This will include but not limited to skating (backwards and forwards), edge work, passing and shooting. They will be judged by independent evaluators that aren’t familiar with the kids. 3. This is to take out any preconceived bias.
3. Scrimmage Night at Tryouts (worth 20%):  Players will play a simulated game against other age appropriate players. They are judged on how they perform in a game situation. This evaluation is judged by independent evaluators.


All in-town kids not currently playing for Oyster River will get all the considerations as current players. Due to the fact there is no season long coaches’ evaluations, the player will be given a spot on a lower Tier team.  If their skills and scrimmage evaluations are overwhelming, they will get full consideration for an upper Tier team.


Oyster River Travel Hockey welcomes out of town players. Out of town players will not have coaches’ evaluations either. They will be placed on a lower Tier team and if their skills and scrimmage numbers are overwhelming, they can be considered for an upper Tier team.  Any player from another town that is a current player in the program will be considered in-town and will get all the considerations as in-town player.  If numbers at a certain level require cuts Oyster River Youth Hockey requires that out of town players must be cut before in town players. As long as an in town player has a roster spot at any level then in town players can be retained.


An injured player that has played for Oyster River during the current season and cannot attend tryouts will not have an injury held against them. We will revert back to the season coach’s evaluations to place the player.


  • Fees are often dependent on the number of participants, ice and league fees. 2015 cost ($1550)
  • If jerseys are needed the cost for those will be $140


  • Any player can join after tryouts but will be put on the lowest Tier team as long as there is roster space. The player will have an opportunity to move up the following season if they demonstrate overwhelming skills.
  • In the event that that a family has twins or brothers on the same team and the parents want to keep them together, they will be placed where the lower sibling scores.
  • If two or more players have identical numbers when setting the roster with limited space, the coaches along with the Coordinator(s) will discuss the placement of the players.
  • Any younger player is allowed to try out for an upper age group, but the player must demonstrate the ability to perform at that level. Safety is a major concern and will be left to the discretion of Coordinator(s).  Bantams scrimmage will have checking along the boards. This is to judge how a player will react to contact.


The coach selection process will be executed after final rosters are set.


We do our best to place players in the most appropriate spot for them to develop and have an enjoyable hockey experience. It is the up most importance to remove bias from the team selection process and be fair to all. We understand that every party involved may have a different opinion on where their child should be placed. This is a difficult process and we do our best and have the best interest of each player in mind. All children develop at a different rate, so placing them on an upper team can be just as detrimental as placing a player on a lower team. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Oyster River Hockey Coordinator.


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