
Not only is UNITED internationally synonymous with soccer, but it honors the collaborative relationship of the three towns that have comprised the Oyster River Cooperative School District since 1954 and been supported by the Oyster River Youth Association (ORYA) since 1991.

Our motto STRENGTH IN COMMUNITY celebrates the everyday contributions of parents and players in our volunteer driven organization and symbolizes what we can achieve when we put community first.

Click to learn more about our Badge, Story and Core Tenets!

    Spring Academy 2025 | 2020-2017 Birth Years

    • Birth Years: 2019 -*2020
      (U6) Coed

      ORU’s youngest soccer program meets once per week and utilizes stations during each session to introduce players to fun games which focus on a specific skill being introduced. Players move from station to station, use their imaginations, build coordination and, hopefully, begin to develop a lifelong passion for the sport. We’re always in need of a few extra volunteers to support the program and will provide a full curriculum for the program. *Players must have turned 4 by the start of the program to be added.

      ORU Academy shirts can be ordered for an additional $12. If you have a shirt from a previous season that still fits, you are more than welcome to use that shirt again.  If you order a new shirt, they will be distributed at the beginning of the season.

      Difference in registration rates corresponds to town subsidy for youth, recreational sports. You can find more detail in the Program Outline on the website or reach out to the ORYA Office with any questions.

      REG DEADLINE | April 1

      +$30 LATE REGISTRATION | April 2 onward

      Option 1: Mondays | REGISTER FOR MONDAYS HERE!
      5:30-6:15pm |
      5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16

      No Session 5/26 Memorial Day

      Option 2: Saturdays | REGISTER FOR SATURDAYS HERE!
      9:00-9:45am | 5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/31, 6/7, 6/14

      No Session 5/24 Memorial Day

      LOCATION | Tibbetts Field

      Uniform Option (+$12) Available during registration

    • Birth Years: 2017- 2018
      (U8) Coed & Girls

      This program steps up to twice per week sessions with a mid-week practice day and a Saturday morning ‘game’ day. Players continue to develop skills through fun games and exercises that incorporate their imaginations to get them excited about specific exercises they’re being introduced to. Saturdays turn into fun, non-result based ‘games’ where small-sided play is the focus. Game day offers players an introduction to soccer competition in an in-house environment where quality of play and building on what was learned at practice is the judgement of success.

      ORU Academy shirts can be ordered for $12. If you have a shirt from a previous season that still fits, you are more than welcome to use that shirt again. If you order anew shirt, they will be distributed at the beginning of the season.

      Difference in registration rates corresponds directly to town subsidy for youth, recreational sports. You can find more detail in the Program Outline on the website or reach out to the ORYA Office with any questions.

      REG DEADLINE | April 1

      +$30 LATE REGISTRATION | April 2 onward
      WEDNESDAYS | 5:15-6:15pm |  4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/21, 5/28, 6/4, 6/11
      *SATURDAYS | 10:15-11:15am  5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/31, 6/7, 6/14

      No Session 5/24 Memorial Day



      LOCATION | Tibbetts Field

      Uniform Option (+$12) Available during registration

    Why do Durham, Lee and Madbury residents pay different rates? When ORYA receives funding from the communities we serve, it directly subsidizes the participation of our in-house, recreational programs for members of that specific community. The differences between each residency-rate is a reflection of the expected or actual funding from each community in the budgeted year. If one community has a lower player fee, it means that community has chosen to reduce your participation fee in youth, recreational athletic programs. Travel-based programs are not subsidized by town funding.


    Spring Travel Soccer 2025 | 2016 - 2010 Birth Years

    • ORU sets roster caps for each age group based on league guidelines.  If the cap is reached, all subsequent players will be registered as "waitlisted" until there are enough players to form a second team. Waitlisted players are not charged until a second team is formed. NOTE - roster preferences will be given to players from the primary served communities of Durham, Lee, and Madbury as well as players who have played in previous seasons until the registration deadline. 

      In order to create official league rosters, players MUST be registered in their correct birth year.  The AG will work with specific coaches and parents to determine if players will play up due to team size or player development considerations.

      2016 & 2015 Coed and GIRLS

      Roster Limits: 1 team max of 13; Min of 20 needed to create 2 teams; Max of 26 for 2 teams
      Girls Practices 2016 | Tuesdays & Thursdays | 5:00-6:00pm | Tibbetts                                                                                                        Girls Practices 2015 | Tuesdays & Thursdays | 6:00-7:00pm | Tibbetts                                                                                                                Co-ed Practices| Mondays & Wednesdays | 5:00-6:00pm | Tibbetts

      2014 BOYS and GIRLS

      Roster Limits: 1 team max of 16; Min of 26 needed to create 2 teams; Max of 32 for 2 teams
      Girls Practices | Tuesdays & Thursdays  | 5:00-6:15pm | Tibbetts
      Boys Practices | Mondays & Wednesdays | 5:15-6:30pm | Tibbetts

      2013 BOYS and GIRLS

      Roster Limits: 1 team max of 16; Min of 26 needed to create 2 teams; Max of 32 for 2 teams
      Girls Practices | Tuesdays & Thursdays | 5:00-6:15pm | Tibbetts
      Boys Practices | Mondays & Wednesdays | 5:15-6:30pm | Tibbetts

      2012 Boys and girls

      Roster Limits: 1 team max of 18; Min of 32 needed to create 2 teams; Max of 36 for 2 teams
      Girls Practices | Tuesdays & Thursdays | 5:00-6:30pm | Tibbetts
      Boys Practices | Mondays & Wednesdays | 5:00-6:30pm | Tucker Field

      2011 Boys AND GIRLS

      Roster Limits: 1 team max of 18; Min of 32 needed to create 2 teams; Max of 36 for 2 teams
      Girls Practices | Tuesdays & Thursdays | 5:00-6:30pm | Middle School
      Boys Practices | Mondays & Wednesdays | 5:00-6:30pm | Tucker Field

      2010 Boys AND GIRLS

      Roster Limits:1 team max of 18; Min of 32 needed to create 2 teams; Max of 36 for 2 teams
      Boys Practices | Tuesdays & Thursdays | 5:00-6:30pm | Tucker Field                                                                                                          Girls Practices | Tuesdays & Thursdays | 5:00-6:30pm  | Tucker Field

      REG DEADLINE | Feb 10

      +$30 LATE REGISTRATION | Feb 11 onward

      SEASON | Practices Expected to Start Week of March 31




    Spring Travel Goal Keeper Sessions

        • GOAL Keeper TRAINING | u9-u14+

          ORU has partnered with Noreast Soccer Academy to offer goalkeeper specific training sessions to build and develop skills unique to this position. Your player does not need to be a full-time goalie to attend. This is perfect for all players interested in learning techniques specifics of the position. Players will work with "Pro" coaches on footwork, diving, high balls, distribution and more! Please note, players must also register for their specific age group

          REG DEADLINE | March 1

          +$30 LATE REGISTRATION | March 2 onward

          *U9-U12 | Fridays | 5:30-6:30pm | 4/18, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/30, 6/6

          *U13 & Older | Fridays | 6:30-7:30pm | 4/18, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/30, 6/6

          LOCATION | Tibbetts Field

          REGISTER HERE!

            CONTACT US

            ABOUT US

            The Oyster River Youth Association provides inclusive, fair, diverse and developmentally appropriate recreational programs to the youth of Durham, Lee and Madbury, NH. ORYA meets the changing needs of the children and families in our community for sports and recreational activities by acquiring and maintaining facilities, promoting volunteerism and seeking collaborative and strategic partnerships.